There is no shortage of construction jobs today, that is no secret, however, many construction candidates are still struggling to land the jobs they want.  Why?  Is it lack of experience?  Is it lack of skill?  Or, is it simply they are not giving the hiring managers the information they seek?  If you want to get their attention and land the construction job of your dreams, you must show the hiring manager you have the following qualities:

  • Skills are critical in the construction industry, and while you can provide the hiring manager a large list of your skills, you must demonstrate more than just a list. You will need to show that you are capable of learning new skills, and that you are able to reinforce your current skill set.  Showing your diversity and agility will get their attention and show you are willing to continue learning, something they seek in their candidates today.
  • Communication skills have changed drastically over the last decade, and is one of the most sought-after skills in the construction industry. Hiring managers want construction candidates that have the ability to not only communicate with them, but understand the importance of communication on the job site.  Show you are a strong communicator!
  • Passion is often lacking in job candidates today. Many take jobs they really do not care about, just to pay the bills.  While this may be important to the candidate, a hiring manager, wants someone that is passionate about the industry.  It is important that you show the hiring manager your passion for construction, their company, and the opportunity.  This will certainly set you apart from the other candidates and get their attention.
  • Have you thought about, or set your career goals? If is important that you think about your future and what you hope to accomplish.  These career goals are one of the most important things a hiring manager will want to hear from you.  It will give them information about you, how you will align with the company’s goals, and what future you would have with the company.

If you are looking to gain the attention of a construction hiring manager, you must make sure you have these qualities covered!

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