
As a construction worker, you mostly concentrate on your technical skills, but what about your customer service skills.  Many workers overlook the importance of customer services skills, however, those that can list this skill on their resume, stand a better chance of getting hired.

As technical skills continue to advance, many hiring managers and recruiters are now looking for talented construction workers that have customer service skills.  Here is why it is important that you include this on your resume:

  • No matter what type of construction work you do, there is always a possibility that you will encounter the customer on that project. Many customers judge the company based on their observations and interactions with those onsite.  When you understand the importance of customer care, it can help contribute to the success of the project and the company overall.
  • Your customer service skills will be called upon when reviewing work completed with a customer. It is important that you understand how to convey information to a customer in a positive way, even if there are complaints.  This type of training will give you the necessary tools to handle every situation with a customer.
  • Every construction employee is a marketer for the company they work for, whether intentional or not. Your marketing skills often will correspond with your customer service skills.  These skills will allow you to help gain repeat business, as well as new business.

Forming relationships with customers is critical for every business.  If you are looking for a way to set yourself and your skill set apart from the rest of the job candidate pool, consider adding customer service skills.  Talented, well-educated staff is important to business owners, but customer care is a top priority, and for those that provide both to a potential employer are great assets to the company.

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