Whether you are a construction manager, or are thinking about becoming a manager, understanding time management is one of the most critical pieces to doing this position well.  Managing administrative duties, job site duties, and safety duties, is a juggling act on most days, yet the best construction managers have learned how to master their time effectively.

In a recent study, it was discovered that construction or project managers, spend on average, three hours per day answering emails, and another four to six hours per day in meetings.  You do the math, that is more than an eight-hour day in most instances.

In order to keep everything running smoothly, good construction managers have learned how to manage their time effectively.  Here are a few tips to help you:

  • Stay current with technology and the latest trends. There are many programs available to you today to help you stay organized and on schedule.  The cost that you will pay for a good program, will save you thousands of hours in the long run and be well worth it.
  • While meetings are a necessary evil in the construction industry, plan them in advance whenever possible. Be sure you are well prepared in advance, and try to keep the meetings to a specific time allotment.  Most find it beneficial to schedule their meetings in the middle of the day, so as not to disrupt the beginning or the end of the day.
  • Learn to delegate duties. Whether it is delegating job site duties to your foreman, or delegating follow-up calls to your administrative assistant, removing these items from your to-do list will greatly reduce your work list and free up some of your valuable time.
  • Communication is extremely important in every aspect of your day, however, stopping to answer an email every time your phone or tablet “dings” will keep you from ever getting anything accomplished. Set aside time specifically for answering emails.  A good start would be an hour in the morning (before getting started), 20 minutes around lunch time, and 30 minutes at the end of the day.

Consider the importance of your time management and how it can make a difference in your work schedule.

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