Common LinkedIn MIstakes and How to Avoid Them

Do you have a profile on LinkedIn? If you don’t, you should – and even if you do, you should pay attention to these common mistakes made, and avoid them!

LinkedIn has become the number one social platform for business minded individuals. It is a place where businesses and recruiters look for the perfect employee. A place where your resume can speak volumes for you. This is the very reason why it is so important that your LinkedIn profile be accurate, complete, and up-to-date at all times.

As potential employers look at your profile, there are several things that will immediately turn them away from you. Unfortunately, these profile mistakes are common and done by many. Avoid these at all costs!


  • Profile picture – do not post casual pictures as your profile picture. Think of LinkedIn as a professional resume service. You must use a professional picture. This shows potential employers that you are serious about your career. Leave the casual, fun pictures for other social media sites. And, do not make the mistake of not posting a picture at all. Profiles with a professional picture, get noticed and reviewed more times than those without.
  • Profile summary – do not skip this section, and do not have someone else write it for you. The summary is meant to showcase you. Potential employers and others looking at your profile want to hear what you have to say. Take the time to write a short paragraph about you, your goals, and accomplishments.
  • Profile information – your LinkedIn profile should mirror your resume. Make sure that they contain the same information. Often times, recruiters and potential employers will review the two to make sure there are no discrepancies. This will show your attention to detail. It is critical that you keep your profile up-to-date, as well.
  • Consistency – while it is important that you keep your profile updated, it is also important that you are consistent about posting to your LinkedIn profile. Be careful you do not post as you would on other social media sites – save the personal posts for Facebook. Your posts on LinkedIn should be career related and should be consistent. You should post at least several times a month.
  • Connections and recommendations – do not be a stalker. Choose your connections carefully and make a connection with them. Do not connect with just everyone and then hit them up for a “favor” as soon as they accept your request. Choose connections that are related to your career field. Get to know them. In addition, connect with others you already know in the industry. Ask them to make recommendations for you on LinkedIn.


As you can see, these common mistakes listed above may seem like they are ok on the surface, until you read further. The difference between those that have excellent LinkedIn profiles and lots of views and those that have a profile that is barely noticed, are these common mistakes.

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