Do Not Sabotage Your Job Search

Your everyday actions may be sabotaging your job search, and preventing you from obtaining the job of your dreams.  The job market is competitive, and in today’s technology driven world, sometimes the things you do on and offline, can hurt your chances of ever landing the perfect job.

It is important that you understand that your actions in everyday life play a role in your ability to find and acquire a job.  Do not sabotage your job search, be mindful of these ways in which you could be hurting your chances:

  • Be mindful of what and how you are posting on social media. Remember, hiring managers and recruiters will check all of your social media for information about you before even calling you for an interview.  Do not beg someone for a position or sound like you are desperate.  This will not help you at all when looking for a new job.
  • Examine your network, or if you even have a network. You must have a network that is cultivated regularly in order to get the right job.  Make sure that your network contains a wide breadth of people, as these people will bring the most value to you.  You must make an effort to engage and keep your network effective.
  • Many job candidates make the mistake of limiting their social media use, for a variety of reasons. This can hurt your job search and the chances of landing a position.  It is important, as stated above, that you use social media as a tool to help you in your job search.  Posts about your industry, how you did work in the community, or showing your passion for keeping fit by running, can prove to be useful for hiring managers.
  • Sitting back and waiting for work to come to you will never work. If jobs are few and far between, do something useful during the down time.  First of all, make sure that you are vigilant about applying for positions that are a fit for you.  Secondly, it will be beneficial for you to keep your skills current.  Take a class on a new technique, or learn a completely new skill.  Not only can you put this new skill on your resume, but it shows potential employers that you stay busy and further your knowledge.

Do not be impatient and take any job that comes your way.  If you want to succeed in your job search, instead of sabotaging it, you must stay away from the mistakes mentioned above.  Do your research, keep active in your field, and have some great conversations with others in the industry.  Before long, you will have more job offers than you know what to do with!

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