All too often, individuals are promoted into leadership positions because they have proven themselves in roles while climbing up the corporate ladder. But the skills needed to be an effective and positive leader are a set all of their own.

In this article, we will discuss what it means to be a positive leader and some actions that you can take to better support and manage your team.

There are many types of great leaders. However, when we think specifically about positive leadership, we are talking about individuals who can raise company morale, so that employees are excited to come into work. This is the kind of person who not only cares about your work/life balance but who will also actively encourage and offer professional development opportunities.

Sounds great, right? So, what can you do to start demonstrating positive leadership?

Work on your emotional intelligence

Having a high EQ means being able to recognize and understand how your employees are feeling. When it comes to leadership, having a high EQ is arguably just as important as having a high IQ (if not more so). This will help you recognize and diffuse conflict quickly, as well as be a more effective communicator. So much of what we communicate is unspoken, so understanding how to read emotions is key.

Focus on employees’ strengths and interests

This tactic should be pretty obvious – but it bears stating because it is so important. When you focus on an employee’s strengths (rather than his or her weaknesses), their performance and morale are likely to improve. The same thing goes for interests. As a positive leader, it is important that you know about the things your employees enjoy and how they would like to grow their skillsets and shape their careers. That way, you can better staff projects and teams – and see better outcomes by doing so. 

Build a positive work environment

We spend so much time at work that much of our overall attitude is going to be tied to how we feel about that environment. Positive leaders know this and are invested in making sure it is a place filled with kind and respectful relationships, with areas that are conducive to concentration and engagement. A big way that you can accomplish this is to take that first step: treat your employees with gratitude and take an active interest in them as individuals. As a leader, you will set the stage for how others act.

By taking these recommendations to heart, you will be well on your way to becoming a more positive leader. Your employees – and your company’s bottom line – will thank you.