Recruiting in the construction industry has always been challenging, and that shows no sign of letting up in the future. Given the great demand for qualified talent, companies will regularly attempt to poach employees from their competitors. However, one effective strategy is to start your recruitment efforts from inside your own company (e.g., internal job posting and promotion). This is a great way to cut back on resources, saving both time and money.

This method is particularly effective when looking to fill higher-level positions requiring more knowledge and experience (after all, entry-level employees are generally much easier to find through typical recruitment channels). By allowing your candidates to move up within your company, you also increase retention rates and reduce the number of individuals who might otherwise leave to look for a more advanced opportunity with one of your competitors.

By recruiting internally, you also increase the chances of a successful job placement since these employees have arguably been “vetted” with their previous employment in your company. This means that these individuals are more likely to already fit within your company culture – which is a big reason why many new hires choose to leave just a few months after being brought onto the team. Additionally, these candidates should know more about your company’s internal procedures and expectations, which will effectively reduce the time for onboarding and training.

Here are some ways that you can effectively post or promote your open positions internally:

  • Your Company Intranet: In construction, not all team members probably log into a company intranet. However, you may ask them to fill out timesheets online or otherwise check schedules. This is also a great place to advertise open positions available. Ensure that these job positions can be easily shared via email if someone wants to pass them along to a colleague.
  • Your Department Managers: You should be talking to managers about the best way to grow and develop their teams over time. This includes plans for training people into higher-level positions. When an open position becomes available, you should also reach out to division heads to see if they have anyone who would be suitable for the role if they cannot advance the individual on their own team.
  • An Announcement or Newsletter: By promoting open positions to a broad group, you let your employees know that you care about their career advancement and want to invest in your own team. This can also help inspire your employees and promote loyalty for your company.


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash