The Benefits of an Apprenticeship

For several years, many thought the apprenticeship was dead.  No longer a valuable learning tool for those looking to get into, or advance in the construction industry, and employers felt it was too costly.  This could not be further from the truth.

The truth is, the apprenticeship is very much alive and still provides value to both employer and employee.  This training method has been around for decades and has proven to provide useful, real world skills to tradesmen in multiple industries.  Whether you have been in the construction industry for years, or are just starting out, you should consider an apprenticeship.

The benefits and advantages of an apprenticeship are tremendous, and include:

  • Work Environment Knowledge – you cannot learn more about the actual work environment of a construction site or a project site, than when you are an apprentice. While you can hear about what to expect from others in the field, and learn about it in school, nothing will compare to being on site and experiencing it for yourself.
  • On-the-Job Training – again, learning a trade in a classroom setting is important, however, on-the-job training will give you real world skills and experiences. It will give you an opportunity to advance your skills in a live environment and learn from others who have been in the industry for years.
  • Hone Skills – working as an apprentice will give you the opportunity to hone and advance the skills you have learned in the classroom. Consider it an extension of your learning, and a chance to learn new skills you simply would not get in the classroom.
  • Best Mentors Available – when you complete an apprenticeship, you have at your fingertips the best mentors in the business. They will be there to answer your questions and show you the “ropes.”  Imagine having an expert in the field at your disposal, priceless.
  • Career Choices – when you have the chance to become an apprentice, it gives you an edge over others who do not have the opportunity to work in their chosen field first. You can determine if you have chosen the right field and may even be able to apprentice in different fields, such as carpentry, plumbing, and other areas of construction to determine which you enjoy more.  This will help prevent job hoping.
  • Confidence – every person who has ever gone through an apprenticeship program has extreme confidence in their field and their skills. Having confidence will help you in obtaining jobs.

As you can see, doing an apprenticeship has incredible benefits and will give you the edge over someone who has not done one.  If you have the opportunity to become an apprentice – do not hesitate – take it.  It will be the best thing you could ever do for your career.

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