These days, there is a lot to be stressed out about. Not only are the number of coronavirus infections continuing to climb in many areas of the country, but many of us are also concerned about the health of loved ones, the state of the stock market and economy, and any number of other uncertainties. Not to mention, many companies are restructuring work procedures, which adds a new layer of stress to the equation. 

All of this is greatly impacting workplace morale. Employees may feel paranoid to go into work, worried about contracting the disease and spreading it to loved ones. However, for many who work in the construction industry, working from home is not an option. And many jobs are considered “essential projects,” which means that work must continue. Know that your employees will be taking many of their fears with them onto the job site – keep these recommendations in mind to help lower panic and raise morale. 

Clear and relaxed communications

In a time of such uncertainty, it is important that you can speak to your employees with confidence and assurance. Your employees will be looking to their management team to help manage their emotions. Providing trustworthy news and educational information – as opposed to rumors – will be important. So much about the future is unknown; it is okay to admit that you do not know something. However, honesty and transparency about the company’s plans for the future will go a long way. 

Increased understanding and flexibility

Nothing is normal. Employees are having to adjust their work schedules and on-site procedures in order to adhere to constantly changing rules and regulations. As much as you are asking for them to be flexible during this time, you should try to be as well. This is not just important for company morale, but also for company safety. If someone thinks they might be sick, they should absolutely stay at home. Your employees need to know that they will not be penalized if they are doing the best for all parties involved.  

Safety measures and risk reduction 

One of the main ways that individuals are going to feel more comfortable coming into work is if they feel as though the company is taking as many precautions as possible. You should be providing things like masks, handwashing stations, sanitizers, and other cleaning supplies. Be clear and upfront about the expectations regarding employee contact. Tips for risk reduction should be distributed to employees and made available on the job site. 

Emotions like stress, fear, and uncertainty are expected in a time like this. However, by taking the above steps to heart, you can help give your employees a sense of control and security. In turn, this will raise company morale and strengthen your professional relationship. 


Photo by Celpax on Unsplash