It is no secret that job searching is a roller coaster and the cause of much stress and negative emotions, especially for those in the construction industry.  While it does seem to take longer to gain employment today, you can land the job you are looking for, simply by following these steps:

Step 1 – whenever you begin a job search, the number one thing you can do is stay positive.  Many will tell you that keeping a positive attitude throughout the process will help keep the stress low, but also help to great a positive atmosphere when you interview.

Step 2 – you must spend the time daily doing your research.  Research open positions, the companies that are offering them, and the employees they currently have.  Research networking opportunities and connections that can help you attain the job you want.

Step 3 – it is critical that you network and talk with people every day.  Whether you attend a networking meeting, speak with your mentor, or go to a class and meet new people, the key is to connect with people daily.  This keeps you active and also lets others know you are serious about finding employment.

Step 4 – always prepare for your interviews.  The times have past of just “winging” the interview and getting the job offer.  You must have your research on the company and their culture, as well as what they are looking for.  Have your questions prepared, and practice interviewing as if it was a conversation, instead of a “grilling.”

Step 5 – whether you get the job offer or not, make sure you always follow up with a thank you note.  It is important that you do not forget about those that helped you along the way – your network, mentors, and hiring managers.  Make sure you show your appreciation.

Following these steps will help you land your next job.  Success during your job search is possible!

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