Who says you have to wait? We work with construction companies and professionals across the country daily. Be proactive and let us find your new employee or your dream job.

At ARA, Inc. we specialize in matching people in the industry for better business opportunities.  We maintain a database of currently employed construction industry professionals.  We know their career goals, experience level, salary history and get to know them as people.  These people know that confidentiality is of utmost importance to us and that we don’t call them unless we have a valid opportunity to discuss with them.  We check three to five references on candidates and we like to see the references of people the candidate has worked with directly with or directly for within the past 5 years.  Our active involvement in the construction community allows us to get information on candidates we may not as easily get or be able to confirm.

We like to build relationships with our clients and applicants.  We look out for their best interest.  We know that we are only as good as our last placement. We recognize that a top project manager for one company may not fit into another because every company has their own culture and diversity.  Understanding an organization’s individuality is a key strength of ARA, Inc.