The hiring process has changed significantly over the last few years, yet many hiring managers have not embraced the change and continue to make hiring mistakes.  Ignoring these changes in your hiring process can be detrimental to your success as a business.

Making sure that your hiring process is current with the latest hiring trends and technology is one aspect, however making sure that your hiring manager does not make these mistakes is critical:

  • Many hiring managers will only review candidates that have a degree. Research has shown that a college degree is not an accurate predictor on success on the job.  There are many aspects that impact a successful hire.  It is important that the hiring manager be open to more than just the degree a candidate may possess.
  • Be careful how you determine a candidate’s “fit” in the company culture. Many hiring managers will only hire a candidate that is a complete fit, however, what about hiring someone who is a fit culturally but will bring a different spin on things.  Some diversity is good within business, so make sure that your assessments take this into consideration.
  • Many job ads constructed by hiring managers state a specific number of years of experience needed. Often, hiring managers will not even view resumes that do not meet that criteria.  Be careful in passing by a candidate because they do not meet the required years outlined.  There are many qualified candidates that exceed in their ability, but are passed over because a hiring manager is unwilling to budge on the experience years.
  • Many candidates prepare in advance for their interviews. This is usually the mark of a good candidate, as they took the time to prepare.  Do not look at this as a short-cut to answering interview questions.  You can still devise an interview question they will not expect.

If you want to improve your hiring results, consider looking at these hiring mistakes.  These common errors will create negative impact on your overall hiring process.  Look to minimize these mistakes in your process, and watch how your process improves.

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